Intro 0:03
Welcome to Maximal Being, a podcast devoted to ditching fad diets and using real science to get you healthy and feeling great. I’m Doc Mok, a GI and functional medicine doctor who harnesses the power of gut health to get you achieving your goals. And I'm Jacky P, a well-informed layman who challenges the experts and ask the questions that you want. Don't forget to hit the subscribe button or leave a comment, and now onto the show.
Doc Mok 0:32
What's going on Maximal Beings, Doc Mok here with Don't forget to hit the subscribe button. Leave us a comment, it does help us to get the word out. If you have any questions, you can email us at [email protected]. Enjoy the episode.
What's going on Maximal Beings, Doc Mok here with another Maximal Being podcast. So excited to be talking about this very important topic, which is vaccinations. Obviously, this topic is of great importance to me, personally, being an individual who has a mother whose mom passed away from polio about six months before the vaccine came to fruition. And so, you know, we've seen in society, if we understand the history of infectious diseases that vaccines have made a great impact on many people and has saved many lives. Go ahead and hit the subscribe button. Leave us comment. It does help us to get the word out.
A few important changes. So we at Maximal Being, decided to get off of social media. But the main reason being that, you know, we were not excited with censorship that was occurring selectively for individuals that don't believe certain concepts or ways this tough decision, because, you know, it's a little bit difficult to get the word out to people that you don't directly know on mediums, except for things like podcast. So I really appreciate all of you that continue to support the mission of this show, which is to discuss evidence based medicine and the impact that that has on people in our society. But you know, since getting off social media, I can tell you that it absolutely has not affected our listenership. You know, our podcast ratings continue to go up and up and so, you know, again, just expressing my gratitude to all of you for listening to this very important topic. So firstly, let's tackle polio. Polio is an enterrovirus. It, so it enters through the GI tract, through fecal oral exposure, so something that's contaminated with another person's stool, they intake the polio virus through their mouth, and it gets absorbed into the GI tract. This polio virus then calls causes a poly myoneuropathy. So a series of paralyzes that occur in individual ascending from below to above. This eventually, you know, stops affecting things like the lower legs, and then goes up into more key structures, like our ability to breathe, diaphragm, ultimately leading to death. So you can imagine, that's a pretty difficult way to die. It's a pretty chilling death for people. And the incidence of polio was, you know, very high back in the 1950s and really, when the vaccine came out, the incidence of polio dramatically decreased, almost flattened over the period until about the 1970s and really it has been non existent since that time. There have been a couple of confirmed cases in the United States, one in 1990s and one in the 2000s both of these were immigrants that had taken the oral polio vaccine, which contains live virus. And those individuals were identified as kind of outliers, but the wild type virus, the one that exists in the environment, has largely been eradicated due to vaccinations. So you can imagine the profound impact of getting rid of something like this. It's my understanding. There's no compelling data at all about polio virus leading to to health concerns like autism, and so there seems to be no reason to get rid of something that is such a great invention of our modern society, preventing a disease that many of you may not know anything about. So that brings me to our next concept, which is Measles, Mumps, and Rubella or the MMR vaccination, when we get the measles virus, it's a live attenuated virus, so meaning that the virus does replicate about 50 to 20 times it's taken up by our antigen presenting cells. So those are the cells that take the virus and bring it to our immune system, so that the immune system can get immunity to it, and this is largely been a subject of controversy regarding incidents of autism, based upon some papers that occurred in the 90s. Now, if you actually look at the incidence of the MMR vaccination being instituted and the trends of autism, which was roughly in the 1970s, what the authors of that paper did is they actually manipulated the graphical data to make it seem that these things were occurring at the same time, both in England and in America, when, in fact, if you look at the incidents on a better graphical view, there is a significant lead time between the start of the MMR vaccination and the rise of autism in America. To really do a study to look at this, what you need to do is you need to give the vaccination to people and and you you need to not give the vaccination to people, and you need to track the incidence of autism over time. And so we're lucky in modern America that these studies have have been done time and time again prior to this association being determined. And you need to match the people in the study both by the time at which they received, you know, the first diagnosis of autism and their vaccination, as well as the length of time between vaccinations and the collection of their diagnosis. So that leads us to a couple of studies. Brent Taylor and co workers in 1999 published a study of a 498 children. This was done in England, and in this study, what they found is that the percentage of children that were vaccinated was the same that got the percentage of children with that was vaccinated and got autism was the same as those that did not get vaccinated and got autism. So there was no if a difference in the the incidence of autism, there's no difference in the age of diagnosis found at of autism, and the onset of symptoms did not occur within two, four or six months after receiving the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination. And so an important point also is that we can't make a diagnosis of autism until somebody is roughly about three years of age due to, you know, the fact that most children under this time do a lot of things that autistic people do, which includes parallel play and and, you know, are at various stages of development, verbally and auditorially, this was followed up in 1999 with a study in the New England Journal Medicine of 537,000 children. And this study occurred over the period of seven years. This by Madsen and colleagues, and 82% of the children in this study received the MMR vaccination, and again, just like the other studies, they did not find an increased risk of autism between the vaccinated group and the unvaccinated group with an age match cohort.
So an important point to note is that people with congenital rubella infection can get autism. However, those that get rubella infections after birth do not necessarily get autism from exposure of rubella. So I think that, largely as a society, you know, I know that the vaccination schedule is coming into question with some potential picks for, you know, our health department, I'd ask all of you to advocate for the science. There's a tremendous amount of science that exists supporting its benefit and arguing against the fact that autism, you know, is caused by vaccinations. I will also say that the individual that is making these claims has a lot of conflicts of interest into anti-vaccination groups, including active legislation against, you know, the HPV vaccination for children, and seeks 10% monetary gain, should that lawsuit go in his favor. And so from a scientific perspective, imagine if your doctor was prescribing you a treatment or doing a surgery. That that particular doctor invented and made profit off of that's called a conflict of interest. One might argue that a doctor that is in such a situation may do that surgery more often than alternatives, which may or may not be better, despite evidence, because they seek financial gain, and this is a well established point that conflicts of interest do alter the behavior of individuals and physicians, even as little as a drug representative giving a pen to a physician can impact that physician's decision to do or not do, or prescribe or not prescribe a treatment, which is why you don't see that practice occurring. More is that we know by studies that that these practices exist, and it's a subtle psychological cue. So how are we to assume that individuals in our government who have such conflicts of interest don't have similar patterns. I think it's very unlikely, but draw the conclusions yourself. So with that said, if you want to vote for the guy that parties with wash up celebrities, that parties with individuals on yachts while important things are happening in this country, and who has conflicts of interest and no medical background as the person to lead your health, well, then that's fine, but when it comes time for you to get that very important treatment, look to that person, and I guarantee that there will be a great difference in the quality of advice that you get from somebody like that, as opposed to somebody that is a well educated, well prepared, experienced healthcare provider. So as always, this is Doc Mok, I'm here to maximize your health. And again, don't, don't forget to hit the subscribe button. Leave us comment. It does help us to get the word out.
The content included is not intended to be used as medical advice and viewers should consult their physician or health care provider should they have additional questions. The viewers should not rely on information contained in these presentation for immediate or urgent medical needs. Additionally, if you think you have a medical emergency, call your physician or go to the emergency department or call 911 immediately. Never disregard professional medical advice or rely on seeking medical care or delay medical care due to information contained in this presentation.
What's going on Maximal Beings, Doc Mok here. If you haven't done so already, leave us a comment and hit the subscribe button. Let your friends and family know that way we can get the word out and continue to bash the bro science.
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