Intro 0:03
Welcome to Maximal Being, a podcast devoted to ditching fad diets and using real science to get you healthy and feeling great. I’m Doc Mok, a GI and functional medicine doctor who harnesses the power of gut health to get you achieving your goals. And I'm Jacky P, a well-informed layman who challenges the experts and ask the questions that you want. Don't forget to hit the subscribe button or leave a comment, and now onto the show.
Doc Mok 0:32
What's going on Maximal Beings, Doc Mok here with Don't forget to hit the subscribe button. Leave us a comment, it does help us to get the word out. If you have any questions, you can email us at [email protected]. Enjoy the episode.
What's going on Maximal Being? Doc Mok here with another gut check. Very surprised today at some of the censorship that's occurring with the scientific departments in the United States here, namely, pulling out of the WHO, which is an information sharing organization which shares data between the United States and several other countries, as well as the CDC and the NIH. All of these changes have been variable in terms of their appearance, but I just wanted to go through a few of the ramifications of these changes. So pulling out of the WHO, which kind of flew under the radar amidst the other flurry of things going on in society at this time, what this does is it makes it difficult for individuals making public health decisions to see data outside of their own country, if they pull out of it. In this case, this would be the United States. I believe that the decision to do this was largely due to unfair monetary expenses of being a part of this institution, which I fully understand that inequity that should not exist, but it does hamper a lot of the individuals here that need to make decisions, and it puts blinders on us as the healthcare providers and you as the people for taking part in you know, things like pandemics. Contrary to popular belief, if you close a border, you can stop people, but you can't necessarily stop pathogens. Pathogens don't follow trends at exactly the same as people do, and they cannot be controlled in the same manner that people can. And so regardless of what stipulations we make on closing our borders, this will not impact pathogens throughout the United States. Those things will continue to spread, and we will continue to be negatively impacted by those travels, by the nature of the people fly. So you know, I understand some of the impetus between behind making this decision, hopefully it leads to rejoining, but with at a discounted cost for the United States. But in the meantime, it makes it very difficult for individuals to to do their jobs on a daily basis that are involved in public health decisions like that, like monkey pox, like the Ebola virus, things that are in the bird flu. To that point, there are several documents going out about the bird flu and the impact that it's had. If you've noticed that eggs are very, very expensive right now, they're very expensive this week, January 23rd is when I'm filming this of 2025 and that is largely due to the bird flu. These documents have been halted, so individuals that are seeing people that are being collaterally affected by this don't have the point of care guidance of places like the CDC. Now it's normal during a transition of presidency for individuals at the CDC and then NIH to kind of halt communications for some period of time, but the rapidity of which this is occurring, and the order to halt things like clinical guidelines is very obscure. I'm a part of several guideline committees, and I can tell you that in some cases, particularly my world of cancer, halting these guidelines is detrimental to families who are inevitably hearing the worst news of their life, you have cancer, and dealing with the tremendous trauma that brings to them and their family as they battle this terrible disease, which is not just one thing. Mel Gibson, just wanted to throw that out there that cancer isn't one condition with one treatment. So you know, the NIH also has halted all of its grant reviews, revisions, which is making the research world very difficult. And I know what you're saying, wah wah, like poor researchers, who cares. But as the United States, we should be the leaders in medical research, I can tell you I work with people from all over the world, and you know, they continue to move. They have a lot less restrictions than we do in the United States in terms of being able to do meaningful research. And so this is just yet another way that we'll continue to be stunted and stifled in our ability to keep up with quality of medical research that exists and inevitably giving care to individuals that have things like cancer and and could be the worst news, worst diagnosis of their life. What I can tell you is that any of you out there, regardless of what your background is, when faced with something like cancer, will want a physician to be able to operate and move in, you know, the way that they need to in terms of your care, the speed at which they offer the options that they can offer, and handcuffing individuals and controlling the knowledge that exists and controlling the science, again, adds bias, just like we talked about with a conflict of interest. Bias in a study alters the results and makes the results less valid, and so it makes it difficult to draw conclusions from these things, and when you're filtering it through a political lens for something that is very objective, that can be very troubling for the independent thinkers, for the people that ultimately have to receive those treatments at the end of the line. Another thing to talk about is there's an abortion rights bill that was on the floor penalizing physicians for, you know, not resuscitating babies that may be born at the conclusion of a miscarriage or a termination and are still living, which is exceptionally rare, and this was struck down by the Senate, even though it was passed by the House of Representatives. Lisa McCain, McClain? I think her name is, from Michigan, was a big advocate of this. Don't believe that she's a healthcare provider. I don't believe that she's delivered babies. I don't believe that she has experienced a miscarriage. So I'm not certain where her basis for making conclusions about this condition are, but hey, you know, in America, everybody can be a doctor or an expert, right? It is troubling to see politicians continuing to tell doctors what to do, healthcare providers what to do with their jobs and with their life and censoring information. And I, for one, don't appreciate it. It is difficult enough to be a healthcare provider as it is, dealing with life and death situations, there are less of us than there were before the pandemic, due to about 25% of healthcare providers leaving, dying, getting burnt out, and that makes it difficult to do day to day work. So you know, adding further restrictions will lead to probably more people leaving medicine will lead to less appropriate care to patients, as we've seen in states where physicians and healthcare providers have left, like Texas and Alabama, and ultimately the death of people. And it's unfortunate that it takes things like that for change to occur, and we won't know the results of those changes until decades from now, but I can tell you that the United States has, I think, the 173rd infant mortality statistic, we're behind every single European country, the United Arab Emirates and many others. And so we need to introspect and look at what we're doing to people, and leave the healthcare decisions between healthcare providers and their patients to those two you wouldn't want anybody telling you what to do with your health. So don't tell other people what to do with theirs. As always, I'm Doc Mok here to maximize your health. It'll be interesting to see how things come out. I appreciate you all listening. And again, hit the subscribe button. Leave us comments. Send me an email at [email protected] I'd love to hear your thoughts, and until next time, I'm here to maximize your health.
The content included is not intended to be used as medical advice and viewers should consult their physician or health care provider should they have additional questions. The viewers should not rely on information contained in these presentation for immediate or urgent medical needs. Additionally, if you think you have a medical emergency, call your physician or go to the emergency department or call 911 immediately. Never disregard professional medical advice or rely on seeking medical care or delay medical care due to information contained in this presentation.
What's going on Maximal Beings, Doc Mok here. If you haven't done so already, leave us a comment and hit the subscribe button. Let your friends and family know that way we can get the word out and continue to bash the bro science.
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