Maximal Being with Doc Mok

Maximal Being with Doc Mok

Hosted by: Doc Mok and Jacky P

The Maximal Being podcast teaches you the secret science behind gut health and eating right. Our hosts, Doc Mok and Jacky P, are a doc and a super-smart lay man that employ advances in medicine to build sustainable...


Keying Into The Concept of Addiction, Podcast 27

Season #1 Episode #27

A lot of people have been sitting at home, bored, trying to find things to fill their time. So a lot of people are picking up some bad vices, whether that be alcohol, drugs, or even just that evening chocolate....
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True Celiac Disease and Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity with Paurush Shah and Jeff Constanzo, Podcast 26

Season #1 Episode #26

Celiac disease and gluten, it's a staple in the American diet. Corn and wheat comprise 80% of dietary sources whether it be fed to another animal, but we're noticing more and more that people are developing these...
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Colon Cancer Questions and Answers with Jeff Costanzo, Podcast 25

Season #1 Episode #25

It's colon cancer awareness month! Colon cancer remains the number three cause of cancer death in America. I really think that a lot of people are getting it younger because of what is happening to our food system. So...
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IBD Diets with Dr. Susan Kais and Dr. Mo Naem, Podcast 24

Season #1 Episode #24

Imagine this, you're a normal 20-18 something year old, you're going to soccer practice, you're going on dates, and you have the urgency to run to the bathroom, all of a sudden, you run in there and the toilet is...
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The Paradigm Shift of Pancreatitis with Dr. Brad Confer, Podcast 23

Season #1 Episode #23

Everybody's got that friend you’ve just had around for years. You need them to do certain things in your life, but they're just kind of annoying, right? They just irk you. The pancreas is that friend in the organ...
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Unpacking Cholesterol Myths With Dr. Hady Lichaa, Podcast 22

Season #1 Episode #21

For decades America has been on a low carb phase and yet still Americans are getting bigger and heart disease is on the rise. So where did we go wrong? We're trying to fix things with this new fat revolution ketogenic...
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Natural Fertility Health Hormones with Sarah Clarke, Podcast 21

Season #1 Episode #21

If you or your partner are having a hard time getting pregnant, or are just tired and stressed, hormones may be the cause.  With a delicate interplay, hormones drive much of our general and metabolic health. ...
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Alcohol Science: Make Drinking Purposeful and Understand the Effects, Podcast 20

Season #1 Episode #20

As many of you ACTION your new years resolutions, allow me to show you mine for 2020.  I decided to limit my alcohol and by in large abstain.  This week we discuss the effects of alcohol on your body’s biochemistry...
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The Best Fitness Tracking Tools, Based on Science or Just Trendy? Podcast 19

Season #1 Episode #19

Happy Holidays Maximal Beings.  Watches, rings and apps.  These are a few of your favorite things but how accurate are they at tracking your health?  This week at Maximal Being Fitness, Nutrition and Gut Health Doc...
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Feel the Burn, Can GERD be Cured? Podcast 18

Season #1 Episode #18

I love Mexican food!  However, when you are talking GERD, the saucy, fatty and citrus rich foods are a recipe for acid reflux.  This week at Maximal Being Fitness, Nutrition and Gut Health, Dr. Paurush Shah joins Doc...
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Leave the Turkey Alone Healthy Thanksgiving Eating Podcast 17

Season #1 Episode #17

Gobble gobble Maximal Beings!  As Thanksgiving approaches, I thought it beneficial to smash some of the broscience behind the Thanksgiving Day meal.  Many people will be making delicious food this holiday season and...
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Bugs Inside of You?! Gut Microbiome Function

Season #1 Episode #16

Inside of you and outside of you right now are trillions of bacteria and yeast working together to keep you healthy.  How did they get there?  What happens when they are unhappy and how do we make them...
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